Jake Shimabukuro, Hawaiian Ukulele Virtuoso

Vacationing in Kauai this week has afforded me the opportunity to catch up on reading, spending time with family, friends and listening to music; music I might not ordinarily be exposed to. Enjoying an after dinner Mai tai with my sister-in-law Diane, I mentioned that one of my favorite musicians, Futureman of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, had just finished a tour with Hawaii's most famous uke player. "Jake Shimabukuro?", she asked. "Why yes!" I said, "Do you know him?" Diane revealed that Shimabukuro had once performed for her young cancer patients at Capiolani Childrens Hospital in Honolulu. "He was amazing and his music was beautiful. Plus he was really, really fast." I first heard Shimabukuro on the Flecktones' 2003 album, "Little Worlds". His recent video performances on MySpace during Futureman's Black Mozart Ensemble's tour, will convince anyone who sees it, that Shimabukuro is indeed one of the most...